The Cloud – How it can benefit your Business
Up on Cloud Number 9
Following on from last week, we will this week be continuing our series on bringing your business into the digital age, taking you through the basics of Cloud Computing so that we can keep our clients informed. Last week we focused on the definition of Cloud Computing, as well as the ways to take those first hesitant steps into the digital world. This week, we have decided to focus on the ways in which Cloud Computing can ultimately benefit your business. According to digital professionals, the Cloud is not a place, but a business strategy.
As business in general moves into a more digital space, it is of course advisable to endeavour to be
moving with the times, as difficult as this may be for businesses who have not used the digital model in the past. As intimidating as it can be, there are a great many benefits inherent to cloud technology as a business model going forward, and though your board of director’s may not fully understand the concept at first, taking the first steps will lead to incredible rewards.
So how can you begin to convince an uncertain and perhaps slightly outdated board of directors that a move to the digital space is a step in the right direction? To begin with, it is advised to begin building a ‘Cloud Strategy’ as your first port of call, followed by a ‘Migration Plan’ which will enable you to ensure that you will be maximising the potential of the Cloud for your business, as well as identifying any inherent risks and implementing the appropriate security measures to protect your data. To begin the process, the following 4 steps are advised as your first stepping stones to full Cloud Computing.
- Agree on a migration plan to manage risk and avoid business disruption
- Identify the costs involved
- Manage legacy applications
- Implement appropriate security measures
It is also advised to hire a tried and trusted IT company to oversee these proceedings to ensure the safe transfer of any data and that your Company is utilising the capabilities of the Cloud to full effect.
We hope that this series on Cloud Computing is of benefit to you and your company and, as always, should you require any assistance or guideance on any business or financial matters, we here at EcovisDCA are always happy to help.