

Following last month’s budget, and the recently planned clamp down on suspected tax evasion there has been some lingering confusion regarding what is required for various taxes. The main culprit of causing confusion is Capital Gains Tax (CGT). As a result, the revenue have recently released a brief which should clear up these lingering confusions and confirm for all when this tax and the associated documentation will be required.

The Revenue have stated that there were a number of requests for clarification from both tax practitioners and legal offices. It is hoped that this brief will shed some light on these lingering issues.

Please see the revenue brief below:

Clarification of circumstances where CGT clearance certificate not required

Arising from a number of requests for clarification from tax practitioners and legal offices, the purpose of this Brief is to set out particular circumstances in which the provisions of section 980 Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (TCA) will not be applicable to disposals/sales of assets that are referred to in subsection (2) of that section.

Disposals of assets by bodies which carry an exemption from capital gains tax (CGT)

The section will not apply to a disposal of an asset by a person where any gain accruing on the disposal would not be a chargeable gain. Examples of such disposals in the TCA are:

  1. A disposal by a pension fund or arrangement carrying an exemption from CGT under section 608(2) or (2A).
  2. A disposal by an investment undertaking within section 739C.
  3. A disposal by a charity to which section 609(1) would be applicable.
  4. A disposal by the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) or by any other body specified in Schedule 15.

Sales by financial institutions of loans secured on land in the State

The section will not apply to the sale by a financial institution of loans secured on land in the State where the sale arises in the ordinary course of the carrying out of its trading activities. In other words, the section will not apply to the sale of such a loan by a financial institution in circumstances where any profit on the sale would be treated as a trading receipt of its trade.

However, in regard to loans secured on land in the State, Revenue wishes to make clear its view that:

  1. In general, such loans are interests in land for the purposes of section 980, and
  2. In general, such loans are securities for the purposes of that section.

It follows, therefore, that the provisions of section 980 will have application where the sale of such a loan would be a disposal for CGT purposes.We hope that this will illuminate any grey areas of concern regarding the current rules of taxation, but should you require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at DCA


It was announced in the recently published Finance Bill that tax officials would be granted a whole new level of powers. In a move which has been considered by some to be of questionable moral grounding, as of now, tax officials will be permitted to access private financial information about individuals without being forced to inform those involved that their finances are being looked into.


Once a court appeal is granted, these tax officials will be able to access previously secure information from banks or other financial institutions without the knowledge of those affected.


Revenue themselves have also been granted additional powers in relation to searching properties and belongings for information when engaged in an investigation. Revenue have also been given more powers to utilise when dealing with those attempting to avoid Capital Gains Tax.


These measures are all part of a previously announced plan to increase the power afforded to the Revenue Commissioners and increase the ease and effectiveness of an extra clamp down on tax defaulters.


Previously, it was required that the Revenue would both need to know the identity of the suspected defaulter and that they would be required to inform those affected that their finances are being looked into, particularly when accessing secure information from parties such as banks and building societies. Now, however, these measures will no longer be necessary, providing the Revenue with a greater ease of access to the information. This may cause some boot quaking for some defaulters, which indeed may be part of the hope.


The only requirement with these new measures is that there must be “reasonable grounds” to keeping the information from the suspected defaulter which, given the circumstances will rarely be difficult to provide.


If you require assistance with your own tax and financial matters, please don’t hesitate to contact us at DCA Accountants.


It has been reported that SME’s now account for an enormous portion of all enterprise in Ireland. Unfortunately, SME’s and the self-employed rarely see their efforts being rewarded in any way when the time of the budget rolls around each year. Was the budget for 2016 any different? We have compiled some of the main changes that will affect both SME’s and the self-employed for your reference.

Self Employed Tax Credit               


It was announced in Budget 2016 that there would be a new earned income tax credit of €550 available for those who are self-employed, including farmers. Whilst this is still quite far behind the tax credits available to others, it is somewhat of a beginning for the process of not alienating the self-employed through taxation. It is suggested that this figure would be increased in future years.

Capital Gains Tax Reduction


There will also be a very welcome reduction in the Capital Gains Tax for 2016 for the self-employed and entrepreneurs. This reduction takes the tax from 33% to 20% on a gain up to €1 million, which could have significant positive consequences, despite still remaining quite far behind the UK and the North of Ireland in relation to this tax. The expenditure cap for Film Relief has also been increased to €70 million which is good news for this sector.



Farming in particular was a sector which was more acknowledged in this budget than previous, as the general stock relief and the stamp duty exemption for young farmers was extended to 2018. It was also announced that a new succession transfer proposal would be put forward in order to increase certainty for the next generation of farmers and assist with a more long-term thinking that may not have been possible previously.



Another sector of self-employment and SME’s that was newly acknowledged in Budget 2016 was the increasingly popular microbreweries. The excise relief for microbreweries will now be made available upfront. This is welcome news for the industry as it may help to free up some much needed cash flow which is always important for these SME’s.

In Conclusion


It is also hoped that the reintroduction of the Social Welfare Christmas Bonus of 75% will boost sales and income for SME’s, thus generating more revenue overall.


Unfortunately there have been few steps taken to support entrepreneurs in particular. Whilst these measures for the self-employed and SME’s in particular are small steps, at least these steps are finally being taken in the right direction and we would hope to see an end to the previous discrimination against these sector in future budgets, as SME’s begin to form the backbone of our modern economy.


As the country watched with baited breath for what was promised to be a more forgiving budget than the previous efforts, there has been some questions over how much these changes may change things on a personal and professional level. We have compiled some of the key points to note from Budget 2016 for your convenience.

  • USC entry point raised to €13,000
  • USC reductions:

2015                            2016

1.5%                            1%

3.5%                            3%

7%                               5.5%

  • All USC bands lowered on earnings up to €70,044 per annum.
  • Minimum Wage to be raised from €8.65 to €9.15.
  • There will now be an additional €550 tax credit available to all owners of SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises).
  • Normal tax bands will remain unchanged.
  • Child Benefit will increase by €5 per month, taking the total to €140 per child.
  • State Pension to increase by €3 per week for pensioners and carers aged 66years and over.
  • There is to be an increase in the Inheritance Tax Band relating to transfers from parents to children. The tax band will now stand at €280,000.
  • Social Welfare Christmas Bonus restored to 75%.
  • Cost of a packet of 20 cigarettes to increase by 50cent (including VAT).
  • Free GP care for children is to be extended to all under 12’s.
  • Fathers to be entitled to 2 weeks paid paternity leave as of September next year.

If you have any queries or concerns about how budget 2016 will affect your finances, please don’t hesitate to contact us at DCA Accountants.


Now that the highly anticipated and much talked about budget for 2016 has been announced, the one thing on everyone’s minds is “how will this affect me, am I really any better off now?” In the hope of clearing some of the most important topics of interest from the budget up for you, we have compiled a breakdown of the major changes in terms of tax.

Most changes are expected to come into effect on 1st January 2016.

Income Tax:

  • No changes in income tax announced for 2016.

PRSI for Employees:

  • There were some cuts to PRSI announced for lower paid workers announced in this budget. Employees earning between €19,552 and €21,355 can now access relief of up to €624 per year. There will also be some relief for those earning between €21,355 and €22,048.

PRSI for Employers:

  • Employers should also see a reduction in the cost PRSI as it was announced that the 8.5% rate would be made available to those who earn up to €19,552 which is an increase in threshold of over €1,000

Universal Social Charge (USC):

  • All bands reduced on all earnings up to €70,044.

2015                                        2016

1.5%                                        1%

3.5%                                        3%

7%                                           5.5%

  • Entry threshold for USC increased from €12,012 to €13,000.
  • Threshold for 3% rate widened to over €18,688 which is an increase of over €1000.
  • Threshold for 5.5% rate widened.

Tax Credit for the Self-Employed:

  • An earned income tax credit of €500 was introduced for those who are self-employed, farmers, and those business owners who are not eligible for a PAYE credit (which stands at €1,650) on their income.

Tax Credit for Home Carers:

  • The tax credit for home carers is to increase from €810 to €1,000.

Tax Increases on Products:

  • The only tax increase seen on products in Budget 2016 is a 50cent increase on a packet of 20 cigarettes. There was no sign of the proposed tax on sugar.

That’s it for our rundown of the main tax changes for Budget 2016, stay tuned for more updates and advice from us following on from these Budget announcements.

If you have any queries or concerns about how budget 2016 will affect your finances, please don’t hesitate tocontact us at DCA Accountants.